
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

How to Download and Install the IPA Fonts

經過我剛剛一番練習 整理出以下步驟來下載IPA音標。

1.到http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/shop/fonts.php>,裡頭有好幾種音標字型可供下載。我所選用的是Manuscript> typeface phonetic font>,找到它之後,請按「下載」(download)>, Ipa-samm Uclphon1 SILManuscript (normal). Download。
2.按了下載之後,會出現一對話方塊,請按「儲存」。 然後將檔案存在某個地方,如桌面或C槽「Sophie 資料夾」。
3.到「控制台」底下的「字型」, 然後按「檔案」。 點選裡頭的「安裝新字型」。
4.在剛剛儲存字型檔案的地方,如C槽的「Sophie 資料夾」, 點進去 ,「字型清單」便會列出剛剛下載的字型,即Ipa-samm> Uclphon1 SILManuscript (True Type) ,按「確定」。

1. 在WORD中的字型 選用Ipa-samm Uclphon SILManuscript。
2. 此時鍵盤上原本可輸入文字符號之處,便會變成可輸入音標符號。按shift加上這些鍵(也就是原本按大寫字體的動作),會另有一些符號出現。例如:按t得到[t],按T會出現像眼睛的音標符號(thank的th)。

遠東另有提供KK音標可下載 ,方法類似。有需要的人, 可以自己找找看。


Anonymous said...

Dear Sophie,

I wondered if you still remembered me or not. I was a student who asked you some questions about the linguistics programme at UCL last year. I didn't go to UCL at the end, and now I am studying at Essex. It surprises me a lot when I browsed your Web site just now. You provided very useful information, in particular phonetics. That is why I really wanted to study at UCL, but for some reasons, I couldn't make it. Well, I am also very happy at Essex. Perhaps I can rejoin the Department in future. I'd like to get in touch with you if you like. May I know your email address so that we can exchange letters from time to time?

A friend from Essex

Anonymous said...

Dear Sophie,
It's Nick. I've just been browsing your blog and I thank your help extended so I can use the resources you have.